With these verses from John’s gospel, Jesus continues to provide comfort and promise of presence to his disciples.
Verse 17 says, “He lives with you and will be in you,” describing a new experience of presence for followers under the new covenant. God was with believers in the Old Testament, dwelling in the temple, appearing in a pillar of cloud or fire. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, the Spirit will come upon believers and permanently indwell them.
In this part of the conversation, Jesus talks about keeping his commandments. Those who keep Jesus’ commandments show their love for Jesus and for God. Obedience to the commandments shows others that we abide in Jesus.
What are these commandments Jesus calls us to obey? Jesus has already voiced it earlier in the conversation. The commandment that he has given requires that they love each other, even as Jesus had loved them (John 13:34-35). Living out this command demonstrates that we are abiding in the Spirit.
Focus Verse
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate,[a] to be with you forever.
John 14:16 NRSV
The Advocate that Jesus promises is who we know as the Holy Spirit. John describes it for the first time here in this passage using the Greek word parakletos. You’ll often see it translated as “Paraclete” because it is a word so rich with meaning. Its roots mean “called alongside,” and it can signify a variety of roles: Comforter, Encourager, Exhorter, Helper, Appealer, Advocate. John seems to draw upon all of these meanings to address the variety of ways in which the Holy Spirit will engage with Jesus’ disciples. Not surprisingly, these are some of the many functions of Christ himself, indicating that the Spirit would be continuing the work of Jesus. The arrival of the spirit, the Paraclete, “ensures that the revelation of God in the incarnation does not end with Jesus’ death and return to God.”
Holy Spirit Craft
This lesson’s craft and activity pages provide symbols to help us visualize the Holy Spirit.
Craft Supplies Needed for Signpost Craft:
- Printed copies of craft
- Scissors
- Glue
- Tape
- Hole Punch
- Yarn or String
- Crayons or Markers
For more activities, visit the shop for The Spirit of Truth Activity Pack.
The shop also offers Children’s Worship Bulletins following a lesson from the lectionary each week.