If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, you’re invited to learn more about three new product lines I’ve added to my shop.
Children’s Worship Bulletins
Engage your children during worship with our new line of children’s worship bulletins. The bulletins follow the 3-year Revised Common Lectionary and quote scripture from the Common English Bible translation. Bulletins are available for two age groups – younger children ages 4-7 and older children ages 7 and up.

This digital product is available to purchase month by month or an as a continuous subscription.
The bulletins feature places to color, draw, complete puzzles and mazes, play an I Spy game, and take notes.
Bible Activity Pages
The weekly activity pages focus on one of the lectionary texts and feature:
- coloring pages
- mazes
- word searches
- color by number
- seek and find
- scripture word art
- bible verse copywork
- inductive bible study template

The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night lessons, and for families to use at home. The activity pages are appropriate for PreK, Younger Elementary, and Older Elementary Students.
Printable Paper Crafts
You’ll also find a printable cut and glue paper craft to illustrate each week’s text. Available in both color and black/white, your students can practice their fine motor skills while reviewing the week’s lesson theme.

A free sample pack of all three products is available for you to download.
Sign up below to receive your free sample pack.